Monday, 9 February 2009

Wiki thing

The purpose of the wiki is to think aboyut the future and talk about it with people we have never met using a wiki.

I put my thoughts for each section I had to even if I could have worked harder. The People in Glaven barely posted anything exept for one thing which was one sentence. Bryna postedv a lot so i could comment on that instead.

The only source that i used was my brain. I could have tried to get ideas from the internet but I didnt.

I used a lot creativity when I came up with thoughts of how the future would look like. I used my creativity a lot but i didnt over do it.

We commented on eachothers writing but didnt tell eachother how to fix it. I didnt tell anyone how they could make it better and i didnt correct any spelling.

Page organization
We just wrote under the heading what we thought and then our name. We wernt really organized but we wrote everything in the right place.

We didnt have any links

I just wrote using simple langauge and didnt work hard on discribing things.

I'm not sure because i didnt spell check other peoples writing but i think that ihave mistakes in my spelling.