Tuesday, 9 December 2008


Hi I am Fabian ( FAY-BEE-AN) and I am from Sweden. If you don’t know where Sweden is touch England on the map then go northeast till you come to the giant peninsula. That’s Sweden! I enjoy reading, talking, using technology and talking to friends. My family has six people. My parents, two brothers and sister. I am the third child. Of the children, first comes my two brothers, then me, and my little sister is last. By the way, I am a guy.

I live in Malaysia right now, but before that I lived in India. Before India I lived in Morocco and before that I lived in China. I have lived in many places, but every year I go back to Sweden for vacation. I LOVE Sweden. My grandparents live in the south so I go there, I have once visited my great uncle in the north and my house there is in the Stockholm area which is the capital.

I look forward to sharing my thinking on my blog with you.



hayden said...

er from sweden do u have that weird british accent?????????

Im fabian said...

No. We speak Swedish in Sweden. Very diffrent. You sound more like a british person than me!